1100 shots fired by Azerbaijan in truce violations overnight

1100 shots fired by Azerbaijan in truce violations overnight

PanARMENIAN.Net - Azerbaijani forces violated the truce on the night of March 21-22, firing over 1100 shots from various caliber firearms, the Nagorno Karabakh Defense Army says.

Karabakh troops mainly refrained from retaliating and continue controlling the situation on the contact line.

Azerbaijani army kept the situation in the Karabakh conflict zone tense, despite previous agreement to refrain from destabilizing the situation on the contact line.

Following the shots fired on the weekend, Azerbaijan habitually rushed to accuse the Armenian side of increasing the tension.

The Nagorno Karabakh Ministry of Defense reiterated its commitment to strictly follow the agreements reached, at the same time ready to prevent any provocation by the rival, the Ministry said in a statement.

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