Agreement on Baku-Tbilisi-Akhalkalaki-Kars railroad to be signed today

PanARMENIAN.Net - The leaders of Georgia, Azerbaijan and Turkey will sign today an agreement of the construction of the on Baku-Tbilisi-Akhalkalaki-Kars railroad. Azeri President Ilham Aliyev has already arrived in the Georgian capital for the purpose. The project costs $600 million. Azerbaijan will assign $300 million to Georgia for the construction and repair of the Georgian sector with a term of 25 years with a possible prolongation. According to the Georgian Minister of Economic Development Giorgy Arveladze, it won't be a heavy debt for Georgia, since it will be paid off at the expense of income from exploitation of the Georgian branch of the railway.

In the words of Georgian State Minister Zurab Noghaideli, repair and construction works will be launched this year. "It's a very important infrastructure project thanks to which Georgia will become a bridge between Europe and Asia," the Georgian State Minister said. The carrying capacity of the railroad is expected to make 15 million tons per year. According to preliminary data, Kazakhstan is going to convey up to 10 tons of cargo through the road that appears the shortest way from Asia to Europe.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Congress forbade the American banks to finance the construction of a railroad bypassing Armenia. Washington's position was recently confirmed by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Bryza, who is known as Georgia's friend and lobbyist. The United States can't prevent Georgia, Azerbaijan and Turkey from the decision but will not assist in building of a railroad bypassing Armenia, he said, reports Rosbalt.
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