Ghukassian: There is nothing more precious for me than high international image of NKR

PanARMENIAN.Net - President of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic Arkadi Ghukassian addressed to the NKR people in connection with coming presidential elections. In his message A. Ghukassian particularly said: "Unfortunately, some mass media of the Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia go on speculating on my possible nomination for the presidency, however, the issue was closed long ago. In particular, there were made attempts to present my last statement on expediency of the acting president's reelection to the third term from the political and moral viewpoints as a game that had allegedly been planned to dull public opinion. Similar actions can just harm the image of the Nagorno-Karabakh as a state adherent to the European values. Moreover, such speculations bring unnecessary nervousness to our society and contribute to its split. To avoid unhealthy false rumors, concerning my intentions for the future, I considered it necessary to make a statement last year in October that would remove all the questions, concerning my possible nomination to a third presidential term.

However, a statement made by the NKR President was not enough for some mass media and politician elements. They obviously believe the President should confirm his refusal to ballot again, provoking him to make similar steps by their insinuations. Naturally, one can ignore the unworthy conduct of these persons, but for the fact that their actions harm our society.

The people resort to various actions to slander the President. Any event in the state and outside, immediately connected with my name, presented by them as alleged confirmation of the acting President's hidden intentions to participate again in the elections of the state's head.

Meanwhile, NKR ordinary citizens, representatives of various political and public organizations, state employees, MPs, our compatriots in Armenia and other countries, Artsakh's friends in abroad, as well as famous foreign diplomats, politicians, political scientists and philanthropists apply every day to me with a request to stand for the presidency at the forthcoming presidential elections, as the NKR Constitution, adopted by our people, gives similar opportunity to acting head of the state. However, the President, who respects himself, cannot speak one thing today and another thing tomorrow. Expressing my deep gratitude to all citizens of our Republic and our friends in abroad, who support domestic and foreign policy I conduct and sincerely wish to see me as the President in future as well, I state again, that I am not intending to run for President.

Nevertheless, being aware of the conduct manner of political speculators and mass media that serve them, I'm almost sure, that my today's statement will not put an end to unhealthy talks on the given subject. Nothing can be done with it: it seems, we deal here with a cureless disease. I am just sorry for these people.

I repeat again: the most precious value for me is high international image of my Motherland - the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, without which the NKR recognition by the international community is impossible."
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