EU: fair election necessary for Armenia's European integration

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian met in Brussels with Benita Ferrero-Waldner, EU Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighborhood Policy, the RA MFA press office reports. Ms. Ferrero-Waldner voiced content with the implementation of the ENP Action Plan and said the EU expects Armenia to present priorities in the process. The Armenian Minister briefed on the work of the departments engaged in the process and noted Yerevan's intention to implement the program successfully.

Pointing out to the necessity of creating a favorable atmosphere for regional cooperation, Vartan Oskanian attached great importance to firm EU's stance against construction of the Kars-Akhalkalaki-Baku railroad.

Benita Ferrero-Waldner touched upon the forthcoming election in Armenia. She noted the necessity of holding a fair and free election for Armenia's further integration into the European structures.

In conclusion the EU Commissioner informed of the EU initiative on a meeting of FMs of the states engaged in the ENP due on September 3, 2007 in Brussels and requested Vartan Oskanian to attend the event.
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