Alternative Energy Project brings street lighting to border villages

Alternative Energy Project brings street lighting to border villages

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC) and VivaCell-MTS have summed up the results of yet another joint program implemented in the framework of the Alternative Energy Project.

An outdoor lighting system, consisting of 51 LED lamps, has been installed in Vahan border community of Gegharkunik province.

In fall 2015, during the first phase of the project, 37 LED lamps were installed in the village.

At the end of the project, a 2600 meter-long street lighting system was installed throughout the border community.

General Engineer and Project Manager Martin Maralchyan, VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian, head of Vahan community Gurgen Balyan, as well as community residents attended the launch of the system.

The environmentally friendly and energy efficient LED lights will reduce outdoor lighting costs by up to 80%. Outdoor lighting will be provided from 9:00 pm to 1:00 am in summer, and from 6:30 pm to midnight in winter. On holidays, street lighting will be provided all night long. LED bulbs are efficient and durable, last much longer than the regular ones.

“Where there is a will, there is a way,” VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian noted.

“We have made a commitment to support the border village of Vahan. A few years ago, the community had so many problems that it was impossible to solve them in a short period. A systematic approach was needed. We chose a model of support based on patience and readiness to handle the problems one by one. I state with pleasure that in the course of long years we have managed to reach our goals: now Vahan community has outdoor lighting, a gas line, a computer classroom, and a solar water heating system in the village kindergarten.”

The use of latest technologies in environmental protection initiatives promotes nature conservation, energy efficiency and community development. In 2014, in the framework of the project, installation of a solar water heating system has been implemented in the kindergarten of Vahan community enabling to save up to 60% on gas consumption and heating costs.

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