Armenia-U.S. Military cooperation is on high level and will continue to develop in future

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Armenian side highly appreciates cooperation with the U.S., Armenian Defense Minister Mikael Haroutyunyan stated at the interview with journalists in Yerevan May 22. Answering the question on cooperation between Armenia and the United States in military sphere, the Minister stressed the bilateral cooperation is on the high level and has potential of further development.

"I am grateful to American leadership for the assistance they provide us," Haroutyunyan underlined, adding that he means not only the direct financial aid, but also various joint programs. "They are quite a lot, and if today we start to speak about them, we shall have to count them very long. I want only to repeat that our cooperation with the United States is on a rather high level. And be sure, it will continue to develop," Haroutyunyan underscored, IA Regnum reports.

A department of English language was opened in the Humanitarian Mine Clearing Center of Armenia May 22. British Ambassador to Armenia Anthony Cantor participated in the opening ceremony. Opening of the department became possible with the active support of the British Embassy and the "British Council".
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