Haypost cancels special cover on Armenia presidential award

Haypost cancels special cover on Armenia presidential award

PanARMENIAN.Net - The cancellation of the special cover issued by Haypost CJSC and dedicated to the GIT Award of the President of the Republic of Armenia for Outstanding Contribution to Humanity through IT took place on Tuesday, November 8.

The cover represents a unique philatelic product - a thematic cover with 2 stamps dedicated to the GIT Award and issued in 2013, which will be cancelled with a special postmark.

The special cover was designed with a print run of 500 pcs. It depicts the Laureate of 2016 Award Louis Pouzin, the Chief Executive Officer of Open-Root company, a French scientist, and the inventor of datagram, one of the co-founders of the web.

The special cover also depicts six Laureates of the previous years.

The cover signing ceremony was attended by Louis Pouzin, President Serzh Sargsyan, Minister of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies Vahan Martirosyan, President of the Union of Philatelists Hovik Musaelyan and HayPost CJSC Trust Manager Juan Pablo Gechidjian.

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