Document on Karabakh settlement supposes "package option" for solution of conflict

PanARMENIAN.Net - "Today there is a 3-page document on the negotiation table, which includes all possible principles of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement. It is a rather complicated document, which is the result of 2-year process of talks on the level of foreign ministers and presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan," RA Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian stated.

The RA FM thinks it is possible to expect progress during discussions between presidents of two countries. "I have certain optimism: this document is logical and compromised. Of course, it does not fully satisfy demands of conflicting sides, but it gives the sides bases to make the document public," Oskanian noted, adding that still there exist issues, which are not agreed yet and the sides will have to settle the most complicated problems.

"The document on principals of settlement supposes "package option". A timetable is possible there, but answers to all questions must be given beforehand," the RA FM stressed.

Vartan Oskanian underlined it is unacceptable to speak about other problems without settling issues concerning the right of Nagorno Karabakh people to self-determination via referendum, a compulsory corridor, which would provide uninterrupted land communication between Karabakh and Armenia and security of Karabakh people.

"Those three principles are not preconditions but logical arguments for the resolution of the problem and they are put on the base of the Karabakh conflict settlement. I think there exist positive moves towards all these directions for Armenia and Karabakh. Today Armenia and Karabakh have rather good positions in talks, and development of events will proceed the same direction in future. There exist international tendencies that Azerbaijan cannot remain indifferent to," the Armenian Foreign Minister stated in the interview to "Kentron" TV Company.

Azerbaijan refused from the "package option" still in 1997. Baku insisted on "step-by-step" approach to resolve the conflict, which supposes first to withdraw NKR armed forces from the buffer zone and then to hold referendum on the status of Nagorno Karabakh.
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