Spud finds his salvation in “T2 Trainspotting” behind-the-scenes vid (video)

Spud finds his salvation in “T2 Trainspotting” behind-the-scenes vid

PanARMENIAN.Net - The latest teaser for T2 Trainspotting is trippy, surreal… and stone-cold sober.

That last bit might be a shock for fans of director Danny Boyle's original drug and alcohol-fuelled thrill ride through Scotland's dingiest back alleys, but it's a sober reinvention that forms the backbone of this long-awaited sequel, Digital Spy said.

"At that time when you found the characters in the original film, we were all kind of invincible," Ewen Bremner (aka Spud) fondly remembers, adding: "20 years can do a lot to a man!"

In this case, 20 years has basically left Spud strung out and on death's door as he continues to party his life way. Enter his old pal Renton (Ewan McGregor) to save the day.

"Renton hasn't taken heroin for 20 years and he's trying to help Spud get clean," McGregor explains. "He brings him some running shoes and he gives Spud some purpose. He talks about replacing your addiction with something better for you."

This unexpected storyline has challenged the cast to reinvent these iconic characters in an anti-drug context, or as Bremner puts it: "Danny has really given me a licence to go beyond in a more realist world; I've got special affection for [Spud]."

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