Robert Kocharian: I am optimistic about Armenia's future

PanARMENIAN.Net - RA President Robert Kocharian congratulated Armenian people on Independence Day, the RA leader's press office reported. The President's statement says,

"Dear compatriots, I congratulate all those present and our entire nation on the occasion of Independence Day.

The reestablishment of our statehood was an exceptional historic event in the life of the Armenian people. The determination of our people to build a free, democratic and prosperous state was expressed during the referendum on independence. This determination has been evolving through the next sixteen years, and numerous challenges have been honorably prevailed over down the road.

Armenia of today is developing steadily. It can be stated with confidence that our economy is on the rise:

• Thousands of new jobs are being created,

• Income of the people grows considerably, poverty reduces gradually, life standard improves,

• Thousands of our compatriots, who left the country, are coming back to live a better life,

• Middle class is taking shape.

I am optimistic about Armenia's future, comprehending at the same time that there is still a lot to be done, that there is a great potential to do it, and that our people deserve better lives.

We are obliged to double our efforts to build a modern and efficient statehood. That is why it is necessary to continue with the reforms, deepening their social aspect.

We intend to continue our support for the subsistence of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic since only matured statehood can provide for the security of the people of Artsakh. The recently held presidential elections in Nagorno Karabakh manifested the united covet for independence, faith in their statehood and willpower to defend it.

The Parliamentary elections of Armenia demonstrated the trust of people in the current policies. I am confident that the upcoming presidential elections will also be conducted in accordance with international standards, in the atmosphere of great confidence. Consistent continuation of the chosen political course is an important guarantee of Armenia's stability and progress.

Today Armenia is dependably protected by our Armed Forces. On this festive day it is our solemn duty to pay tribute to our fallen heroes. For today's peaceful life they paid with great efforts and with their lives. Our unfailing Army is the source of pride for every Armenian citizen.

Once again I congratulate all of us on the occasion of the 16th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Armenia. The Motherland of all Armenians is stepping into a new stage in its development, setting more ambitious goals. I have no doubt that combining our forces we will achieve these goals and will build a strong and prosperous state for the generations to come."
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