Things go terribly wrong in “Fargo” season 3 featurette (video)

Things go terribly wrong in “Fargo” season 3 featurette

PanARMENIAN.Net - Ahead of its April 19 premiere, "Fargo" installment 3 has released the very first featurette. Uploaded on Wednesday, April 5, the featurette features the cast members talking and giving more insights into their roles and what would be going on this season, AceShowbiz said.

Ewan McGregor, who plays dual character on the series (Emmit and Ray Stussy), opens the video by saying, "Each season of 'Fargo' has been different from the last so far. It's quite an incredible task." Carrie Coon, who plays a police officer named Gloria Burgle, later explains the time setting of the upcoming season 3. "Oh you know, we're back in Minnesota. It's 2010, so it's another decade which shifts things for us."

Mary Elizabeth Winstead who portrays Ray's girlfriend Nikkie Swango is also featured on the featurette. "Ewan McGregor plays two brothers who are in a bit of a feud," says Mary. A scene of Ray and Emmit is shown shortly after. Ray seemingly talks about the old story which stems the feud between him and his brother. "That was you tricking me!" Ray yells at Emmit.

Ewan offers more insight into one of his characters, Ray. According to Ewan, Ray feels that Emmit will rip off his fortune and he deserves some of it back, so he can buy a ring to propose to Nikkie. Meanwhile, Michael Stuhlbarg, who plays Sy Feltz, talks about his business state with Emmit. "Sy and Emmit run a prosperous business but there was a period of time in which they couldn't get a loan," Michael opens up.

"There is a sort of misunderstanding between characters," Ewan says, after a scene between David Thewlis's V.M. Vargas and Emmit is shown. The scene sees David's character accusing Emmit of somehow cheating on him and keeping his money. However, something even bigger happens to make things more complicated than it has been. There is a murder in the city and "Gloria's in charge investigating this murder."

"Misunderstandings lead to mishandlings that lead to misadventures in the typical 'Fargo' sense," Mary teases. "One of the things that I love about 'Fargo' is it's exploring human behavior inside chaos," Carrie adds. Meanwhile Ewan claims that "on 'Fargo', nobody is either the good guy or the bad guy, they are all a bit both." Michael concludes the featurette by promising that the upcoming season will see things going terribly wrong.

Set in 2010, the third installment of "Fargo" centers on Emmit and his slightly younger brother Ray Stussy. Emmit, the Parking Lot King of Minnesota, sees himself as an American success story, whereas Ray is more of a cautionary tale. Forever living in his more successful brother's shadow, Ray is a balding and pot-bellied parole officer with a huge chip on his shoulder about the hand he's been dealt-and he blames his brother. Their sibling rivalry follows a twisted path that begins with petty theft but soon leads to murder, mobsters and cut-throat competitive bridge.

"Fargo" installment 3 is scheduled to premiere on Wednesday, April 19 at 10 P.M. on FX.

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