Armenian parliament approves more intake from Lake Sevan in 1st reading

Armenian parliament approves more intake from Lake Sevan in 1st reading

PanARMENIAN.Net - The National Assembly at an extraordinary session on Tuesday, July 4 approved in the first reading a government proposal of taking more water from Lake Sevan for irrigation purposes.

The measure was voted for by 77 deputies to 3 with no abstentions, with only Yelk lawmakers disapproving of the bill.

Instead of the annual 170 million cubic meters, 270 million cubic meters of water will from now on be released from the lake to irrigate the plots of land in several communities of Ararat valley.

The government has concluded that the release of extra water will leave no negative impact on the lake. But environmentalists and residents of nearby communities are confident that rotting processes will start in dehydrated areas, threatening the existence of fish.

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