2021 Aurora Prize ceremony to take place in Venice

2021 Aurora Prize ceremony to take place in Venice

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Aurora Humanitarian Initiative has announced that the 2021 Aurora Prize events will take place in Venice, Italy, on October 8-10. In addition to the Ceremony, during which the 2021 Aurora Prize Laureate will be named, and the Aurora Dialogues, there will be ample opportunities for the guests and participants, including members of the Aurora Prize Selection Committee, Aurora Humanitarians, and other representatives of Aurora’s community, to explore the rich Armenian legacy of this location.

The 2021 Aurora events in Venice will mark the first time the Aurora Prize Ceremony takes place in Europe and will highlight the extensive connection between this universally important cultural site and the spirit of Aurora, with its deeply embedded respect for the human life shared by every Armenian and every member of Aurora global movement alike.

The first Armenian communities were established in the region centuries ago, and the history of their successful development and integration echoes the complex and compound identity defining the modern Armenian people and their global impact. No matter where they were born, from Yerevan to Los Angeles, from Beirut to Moscow, all Armenians possess an acute understanding of the importance of kindness, humanity, and gratitude, strongly reflected in Aurora’s vision.

In the meantime, nominations are still open for the 2022 Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity. Until October 31, 2021, any person can submit a nomination for candidates they believe have overcome great personal challenges to help others.

The Aurora Humanitarian Initiative is a foundation that seeks to address on-the-ground humanitarian challenges around the world with the focus on helping the most destitute. Its mission is rooted in the Armenian history as the Initiative was founded on behalf of the survivors of the Armenian Genocide and in gratitude to their saviors and strives to transform this experience into a global movement.

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