Pashinyan says Armenia's budget for 2022 based on 3 principles

Pashinyan says Armenia's budget for 2022 based on 3 principles

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on Thursday, September 30 introduced to his Cabinet the state budget for 2022, maintaining that it is based on 3 priorities: security, infrastructure, and education and science.

The Prime Minister specifically emphasized the security reform, without which he said the implementation of all other programs will be impossible. Pashinyan noted that by security he meant not only the development of the armed forces and the increase of the army's capabilities, but also the creation of a favorable external environment around Armenia.

Pashinyan also stressed the unblocking and development of the transport infrastructure of the region.

With an 18.2% increase in expenditures year-on-year, the budget was approved by the government and sent to the parliament.

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