Karabakh probing Azerbaijan's opening fire on civilians

Karabakh probing Azerbaijan's opening fire on civilians

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Investigative Committee of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) opened a criminal case to investigate an incident which involved Azerbaijani servicemen opening fire on three Armenian civilians.

According to the press service of the Investigative Committee, the incident occurred on February 5 near the village of Khramort. The three employees of the Future Generations Fund hid from gunfire, so that not to be killed.

After the end of the 44-day war in Artsakh, the residents of of the country being periodically subjected to shelling by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces. Both civilians and servicemen have been killed.

The Azerbaijani military has also been threatening the residents of Khramort for several days now, using loudspeakers to demand that they leave their homes and surrender the settlement to Azerbaijan. According to journalist Tsovinar Barkhudaryan, a voice speaking in Armenian claims that if the villagers fail to leave the area voluntarily, the Azeris "will have to use force."

The authorities of Artsakh have said that Russian peacekeepers deployed in the region have been notified, and that negotiations have been launched.

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