Azerbaijan accuses Turkey of biting the hand that feeds it

PanARMENIAN.Net - The working leadership of Turkey that intends to open the state border with Armenia affects the interests of independent Azerbaijan greatly, said head of the center for political innovations and technologies Mubariz Ahmedoghlu at a press conference Wednesday

"All these years Azerbaijan has been building its external policy for it to meet Turkey's interests. Baku has not been developing its relations with Moscow, did not build deep cooperation with Washington, the priority for us was strategic cooperation with Ankara", said he.

According to him, in this connection Azerbaijan constantly faced different pressures.

"We have long been not telling the decisive "Yes" to the Nabucco project, striving for its being fixed clearly on the map for Azerbaijani and Middle Asian energy sources to be transported to the West, to Europe via Turkey, bypassing Armenia.

The wider discussions are currently under way around the following route on which oil and gas from Azerbaijan go to Georgia and from there by the Black Sea floor to Europe. We always protected Ankara's interests, attaining the supply of energy sources to the West by the Turkish territory and for this Turkey bites the hand that feeds it", noted Ahmedoghlu adding that Azerbaijan always repeatedly refused mutually profitable proposals, coming from Moscow and Tehran, Day.Az. reports.
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