Armenian PM raises fears of destabilization amid Ukraine war

Armenian PM raises fears of destabilization amid Ukraine war

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has raised "fears" that the situation in Ukraine could lead to destabilization in South Caucasus

Pashinyan made the remarks at the plenary session of the 7th Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok on Wednesday, September 7.

"When the attention of the entire global community and especially Armenia's strategic security partner Russia is focused on the situation around Ukraine, there are concrete fears that this could lead to destabilization of the situation in our region," Pashinyan said.

He said that the situation in the region is not particularly stable.

"We went through war in 2020, and the situation is similar in that when Azerbaijan started this war, all the attention of the international community, including Russia, was focused on problems associated with the Covid-19 pandemic. We hope that in close cooperation with Russia and our partners, we will be able to manage this situation and keep the regional situation under control," he said, noting that it was important including for global security.

Pashinyan is scheduled to hold a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin later in the day.

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