U.S. has seen “significant evidence” of Azeri shelling inside Armenia

U.S. has seen “significant evidence” of Azeri shelling inside Armenia

PanARMENIAN.Net - The United States has seen significant evidence of Azerbaijani shelling inside Armenia and significant damage to Armenian infrastructure, Department of State spokesperson Ned Price told a press briefing on Tuesday, September 13.

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken “urged President [of Azerbaijan Ilham] Aliyev to cease hostilities immediately, to disengage military forces, and to work to resolve all outstanding issues between Armenia and Azerbaijan through negotiations that are peaceful and diplomacy that is constructive,” Price told reporters.

“We have seen significant evidence of Azerbaijani shelling inside Armenia and significant damage to Armenian infrastructure, but most important for us is that both of these parties commit to a cessation of hostilities and commit to a broader de-escalation.”

Price also called upon all stakeholders, “including the Russians, to use the influence – the significant influence that they do have – in a way that is constructive.”

“Secretary Blinken has been personally engaged on this. It is why we and he put out a statement last night just within hours of these escalation of tensions calling for an immediate cessation of violence. It’s why he picked up the phone in the wee hours. He was on the phone until after 1:00 a.m. Eastern with the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan underscoring for them the importance of the core message that he issued in his statement, namely the imperative of an immediate cessation of these hostilities. He urged President Aliyev to cease hostilities immediately, to disengage military forces, and to work to resolve all outstanding issues between Armenia and Azerbaijan through peaceful negotiations,” the spokesperson said.

“That has been our contention all along: There is no military solution to this conflict. We urge restraint from any further military hostilities. We also encourage both governments to re establish – to let direct lines of communication across diplomatic as well as military channels, and to recommit to constructive dialogue and to that diplomatic process. We are going to remain actively engaged diplomatically with both of these governments. You mentioned this already, but Ambassador Reeker, who was recently named our senior adviser for Caucasus negotiations, was in Baku yesterday. He remains there. He met earlier today with senior Azerbaijani leaders, and we remain committed to promoting peaceful, a democratic and prosperous future for the South Caucasus region.”

A number of countries, including France, Cyprus and Luxembourg, have condemned Azerbaijan’s aggression and called for cessation of hostilities.

Photo. Reuters
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