Turkish bar members acquitted over Armenian Genocide statement

Turkish bar members acquitted over Armenian Genocide statement

PanARMENIAN.Net - A court in Turkey has acquitted the chair and executives of the Diyarbakır Bar Association in a case concerning a 2019 statement by the bar about the Armenian Genocide, Bianet reports.

However, systematic trials and prosecutions against the activities of the Diyarbakır Bar continue, as a recent report by the bar demonstrates.

The Diyarbakır 11th Heavy Penal Court acquitted Cihan Aydın and other members of the Executive Committee of the Diyarbakır Bar in the 2018-2020 period, at an October 17 hearing.

However, this is not the only case against Diyarbakır Bar on similar grounds.

An investigation was opened against the Diyarbakır bar again in 2021 for its statement on the Armenian Genocide. The statement of 2021, titled "We share the pain of Medz Yeghern" said the following:

"Call it either 'Medz Yeghern' as the victims do, or 'Fermana Filla' as we have heard from our grandfathers and grandmothers, or 'Genocide' as Polish jurist Raphael Lemkin who says 'I was inspired by what was done to the Armenian people when I wrote this;' the reality will not change."

The Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office opened an investigation into this statement, charging the bar with "humiliating the Turkish nation, the Republic of Turkey, the institutions of the state."

Nahit Eren, chair of Diyarbakır Bar said, "Diyarbakır Bar will not be limiting its own freedom of expression while defending the freedom of expression for everyone to the full extent. We will continue to stand by our words, which we told in line with our values."

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