Car convoy headed for Karabakh with Christmas gifts for kids under blockade

Car convoy headed for Karabakh with Christmas gifts for kids under blockade

PanARMENIAN.Net - A group of activists started a convoy protest from the Armenian capital of Yerevan to Stepanakert, the capital of Nagorno-Karabakh, carrying New Year and Christmas presents for the children of Karabakh.

People behind the initiative announced the decision a week ago, reports.

When those traveling from Yerevan reach Goris – a town in the southern province of Syunik – they will be joined by residents of Artsakh who have been stranded for over two weeks because of Azerbaijan’s closure of Lachin corridor.

The protesters are planning to negotiate with the Russian peacekeeping contingent deployed in the region to have a secure passage through the corridor.

For over two weeks now, the key road has been blocked by Azerbaijanis who claim to be environmentalists. Azerbaijan had also deprived the people of Karabakh of gas supplies.

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