Inflation rate in Armenia might reach 5% in second quarter of 2009

PanARMENIAN.Net - Growth of inflation rate is expected within nearest 12 months with GDP rate below the balanced level, CBA report stated.

According to the report, regardless of low inflation rate registered in the first quarter of 2009, inflation rate will increase in the second quarter. Inflation rate increase is conditioned by gas tariffs' growth, dram devaluation and inflation impact on governmental programs. Thus, inflation rate in Armenia might reach 5% in second quarter of 2009.

In March 2009 inflation rate increased 1,4% compared to February results.Besides, the consumer market has registered an inflation of 1%. According to financial forecasts, inflation rate will be fixed at 4% by the end of 2009, perspectives for 2010 remaining vague, considering uncertainties around world economy restoration and exact volume of governmental programs.
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