EU: "Deeply concerned" about serious humanitarian situation in Karabakh


PanARMENIAN.Net - The European Union is deeply concerned about the serious humanitarian situation affecting the local population in Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh), High Representative Josep Borrell said in a statement on Wednesday, July 26.

"The movement through the Lachin corridor remains obstructed for more than seven months, despite Orders by the International Court of Justice to reopen it," Borrell said.

"Medical supplies and essential goods are in short supply or have already run out, with dire consequences for the local population. It is incumbent on the Azerbaijani authorities to guarantee safety and freedom of movement along the Lachin corridor imminently and not to permit the crisis to escalate further."

Borrell said the EU took note of the expressed readiness of the Azerbaijani authorities to also supply goods via the city of Aghdam. However, he added, this should not be seen as an alternative to the reopening of the Lachin corridor.

"The EU also notes that ICRC activities in the region have been heavily impacted and calls for their full resumption, including medical evacuations and humanitarian supplies. The EU stresses that humanitarian access must not be politicized by any actors," Borrell said.

"The European Union, and in particular President of the European Council Charles Michel, has been heavily engaged in supporting the normalization process between Armenia and Azerbaijan", as well as in promoting a dialogue between Baku and Stepanakert. "This also requires the genuine commitment of all sides to negotiated outcomes and a future built on common interests and mutual trust," the diplomat concluded.

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