Lukashenko: Armenia will remain committed to cooperation with allies

Lukashenko: Armenia will remain committed to cooperation with allies

PanARMENIAN.Net - Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko believes that Armenia will remain committed to cooperation with its allies.

When asked whether he was upset over the fact that Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan came to St. Petersburg for the EAEU summit but skipped the CSTO summit in Minsk before that, Lukashenko said: "Why? These are different formats. I was aware of that.”

According to him, he knew that Pashinyan would attend the meeting in St. Petersburg, BelTA reports.

"If Armenia wants to ‘die’ economically, then we can lose it. But I don't think Armenians are stupid people. They are smart people. So no, I don't even worry about it. I am sure that Armenia is not going anywhere,” Likashenko told reporters on Monday, December 25.

“Armenia remembers the Kabul airport scenes when the Americans were leaving. They will use Armenia in the same way and leave them behind. Do you think it will be different? It will always be the same. This is their policy. Armenians are smart people. They understand that this is exactly what will happen."

"Who's going to help them? Europe and France are trying to do something there. You see what is happening in France. They should sort things out in their own country and then get involved in the Caucasus. They can't figure it out for themselves. The Armenians see this. Believe me. What happens publicly is one thing. What happens outside the public domain is another story entirely. This is the essence of politics. The main processes take place behind the closed doors. By virtue of those processes, Armenia will definitely be with us. Because this is the most important direction of their development," Lukashenko added.

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