Armenian Catholicos calls for national unity against threats

Armenian Catholicos calls for national unity against threats

PanARMENIAN.Net - Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II on Tuesday, May 28 issued a message on Republic Day marking the anniversary of the First Armenian Republic in 1918 and called for unity to confront today's threats.

According to the head of the Armenian Apostolic Church, the events of the heroic May battles of 1918 became the cornerstone in the restoration of Armenian statehood.

“Today, when we are faced with existential threats, it is extremely important to be united and unwavering in the face of internal and external challenges that threaten the existence of the nation,” Karekin II said.

According to him, the nation needs to put aside destructive indifference in order to restore security and peace.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan too released a message and said that Armenia is moving forward “without interruption” and that the nation’s coveted goal is “on the horizon”.

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