Greece says ready to help as Armenia fights flooding consequences

Greece says ready to help as Armenia fights flooding consequences

PanARMENIAN.Net - Greece is ready to assist Armenia in combatting the consequences of deadly floods in the country’s north, which killed four people and forced hundreds of people out of their homes.

“Greece expresses its condolences and sympathy to the people of Armenia for the lives lost and the extensive damage caused by heavy rains in the northern provinces of the country,” the Greek Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday, May 28.

“We stand ready to assist.”

Several settlements still remain cut off from the outside world after the country’s worst flooding in decades that killed four people and caused extensive damage to local infrastructure.

Due to heavy rainfall, rivers flowing through Lori and Tavush burst their banks early on Sunday, washing away roads, bridges and parts of a railway and flooding towns and villages located along them.

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