Turkey's Armenians pose serious threat to Ergenekon

PanARMENIAN.Net - Ergenekon shadow organization has an Armenian component. The organization views Turkey's Armenians as a serious threat to the state, Noravank Scientific Educational Center expert, turkologist Ruben Melkonyan told a news conference in Yerevan.

"List of those detained in Ergenekon case includes a number of people supporting anti-Armenian views. A group of 300 people, headed by Ibrahim Shahin, attempted on the lives of influential Armenians in Turkey, including Constantinople Patriarch of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Archbishop Mesrob Mutafyan," the turkologist emphasized.

According to Melkonyan, those detained in Ergenekon case: retired general Veli Kucuk, attorney Kemal Kerincsiz, as well as a suspect, Ankara's Commerce Chamber Chairman Sinan Aygun played an active role in persecution of Armenian-Turkish journalist, Akos newspaper editor Hrant Dink. "Besides, to the murderer of Hrant Dink these people were indisputable authorities.

Also, they were the first to express discontent over the slogan "We are all Armenians! We are all Hrant Dink!" sounded after journalists' death," the expert noted.
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