Sona Harutyunyan: There are 101 unemployed individuals registered in Armenia

PanARMENIAN.Net - As of August 1, 2009, unemployment rate in Armenia has increased by 0.7%, making up 7% or 101 individuals, Sona Harutyunyan, Head of State Employment Service under Ministry of Labor and Social Issues told today a press conference.

«Global economic recession has created big difficulties for us, increasing unemployment rate from 6.3 to 7%. As a result, 101 thousand people are currently in quest for job. Among 94 thousand citizens have unemployment status. In comparison with the beginning of this year, the number of unemployed people has increased by 10 thousand,» Harutyunyan said, adding that unemployment rate in Armenia had not forunately reached the predicted level.

Job openings have also decreased in number; as of June, 1149 vacancies were announced, the speaker said, noting in the mean time, that territorial employment centers and different employers had nonetheless contributed to creating new job opportunities. As a result, jobs were found for 5000 individuals, which is 6% more in comparison with the same period of last year.

Touching upon situation in Shirak marz which faces the highest rate of unemployment, the speaker stressed the big role played by local employment agencies and youth education and integration programs for people with limited capacities. Besides, Shirak plans to organize up to 7 job fairs till the end of the current year.

According to State Employment Service, 5049 people have found jobs during the first half of 2009. This number exceeds last year's records (for the same period) by 6.3% (4733 people). Among them, there are 3087 women and 1159 men.
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