Ukrainian scientists find arsenic in Borjomi mineral water

PanARMENIAN.Net - Harmful substances found in a number of well-known mineral water brands: "Borjomi", "Narzan", "Essentuki" water, chief medical officer of the Kharkiv region Sergey Savenkov said. According to him, in particular, arsenic was found in the water "Borjomi", the official site of the Kharkiv region administration reports.

According to the chairman of the Regional State Administration Arsen Avakov, the information that "Borjomi' contains poison, was known long ago. "We have sent a request to the manufacturer of water three times to give us information about its parameters, but we never receive any answer. And only after that we decided to disclose this information," he said. Arsen Avakov also reported problems with "Bonaqua" water.

According to him, in the audits of packaged water sold in the territory of the Kharkiv region, experts found that "Bonaqua", produced by Coca-cola, in some ways do not meet standards.

Coca-cola company has already promised to bring the quality of Bonaqua in accordance with standards satisfying the definition of "drinking water",Arsen Avakov said, reports.
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