Most of HIV-infected are male in Armenia

PanARMENIAN.Net - World Vision Armenia summarized the results of the "Support of RA national program to prevent HIV infection and AIDS" program and  passed   coordination of the programs to new recipients: RA Ministry of Health   and Mission East International charity.  


Over the 6 years of its operation  "World Vision Armenia", as the main recipient of the grant, implemented more than 14 programs throughout the country. 152 HIV-infected people in Armenia received antiretroviral therapy,   29 pregnant women with HIV infection also received assistance, thanks to which only one child was born with a positive result of HIV infection.  


Record of HIV-infected people started in Armenia since 1988. From 1988 until 2009, September 1 777 cases of HIV infection were registered in Armenia. 136 out of that number were recorded in 2008. 


Most HIV-infected (569 people) are male.  208 women live with HIV. 16 HIV cases among children were reported.  


AIDS diagnosed for 354 patients with HIV-infection, including 83 women and 8 children. Over the time of study 192 people died, including 30 women and 3 children.
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