Bako Sahakyan: re-establishment of Artsakh eparchy was the first victory in all-national struggle

PanARMENIAN.Net - NKR President Bako Sahakyan delivered a speech devoted to the 20th anniversary of AAC Artsakh Eparchy. He particularly stressed the church's invaluable role in the survival and development of Armenian people. "At historical moments of losing statehood, the church assumed functions of political power and over the course of centuries was the most important and probably. the only pillar of preserving national identity and dignity, unity and freedom-loving spirit of people who were under foreign yoke," Bako Sahakyan said.

President also stressed AAC's organizational role at moments of national-liberation struggles at all stages of history, including fight for independence in the newest history of Nagorno Karabakh.

The re-establishment of Artsakh eparchy, according to him, was the first victory in all-national struggle. "Today, we have an independent national state and our people have steadily embarked on the path of development, building their future independently. Together with the state, the church today continues to strengthen Artsakh and successfully performs its spiritual mission, preserving our national identity," Bako Sahakyan said in his speech.

President Sahakyan finds inviolable ties between the state, church and people to be one of the corner-stones of Karabakh's independent statehood and determination of NKR authorities to assist in AAC activities and strengthen Artsakh eparchy.
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