Civilitas initiate discussions "Armenia-Turkey: return to the past"

PanARMENIAN.Net -  Today Civilitas foundation in the framework of the "Dialogue" program held a first discussion on the topic "Armenia-Turkey: return to the past", which was attended by representatives of the Turkish and Armenian public.  


According to the Armenian public figure Alex Sardar, the discussions today are aimed at revealing what do parties, Turkey and Armenia want form each other. According to him, actually, the discussion of the Armenian-Turkish Protocols have turned to a statement of "black and white": they are accepted or not.  


According to Yavuz Baydar, journalist for the Today's Zaman Turkish newspaper, the bulk of the Turkish society has no idea either about the black pages of their history, or the Armenian-Turkish Protocols. "We can't live with this problem all the life, the society need to be prepared to accept its past calmly," Yavuz Baydar said, adding that Turkey does not want to have problems any more with its neighbors.  


As the president of the Yerevan Press Club Boris Navasardyan stressed in his speech,  the mediators of the normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations can help or hinder the process, but they do not have a right to decide instead of Armenia, or Turkey. "The very fact, that we can sit and discuss our problems without any emotion, is very important to me," Boris Navasardyan said. According to him, the Armenians are afraid of novelty, which is explained by the fact that people do not trust those, who make decisions for the country.   

A two-week exhibition "The Armenians in Turkey 100 years ago" recently held in Yerevan was also a part of the program. The exhibition highlighted the life of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire. According to Osman Koker, organizer of the exhibition, the similar event was also organized in Turkey and aroused great interest in the Turkish society.  


Discussions devoted to Armenia-Georgia, "Armenia-Russia" and "Armenia-EU'' topics are also scheduled for the coming months in the framework of "Dialogue". 
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