Armenia's budget revenues decrease by 14 per cent over January-August this year

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenia's state budget revenues amounted to 415.5 billion AMD, and expenses reached 494.5 billion AMD over January-August of 2009, the nine-month program of the government were fulfilled respectively by 77.7 and 81.4 per cent respectively. The budget showings, according to the annual program, were achieved in the revenue part at 46.2 per cent and in expenditure - at 55.2 per cent, according to the RA finance ministry data.

Armenia's budget revenues declined by 14 per cent or 67.8 billion AMD, as compared with the same period of last year. In particular, tax revenues decreased by 18.8 per cent (74.7billion AMD) and official grants dropped by 8 per cent (2.8 billion AMD).

Budget revenue is mainly generated through taxes - 77.8 per cent, 15.8 per cent are compulsory social insurance, 5.7 per cent is other income, and 0.7 per cent - official grants. 

Over January - August this year the state budget of Armenia has received 323.4 billion AMD of taxes, ensuring implementation of the nine-month program at 75.5 per cent, and the annual program by 44.1 per cent.
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