Members of Eurasian Development Bank Council from Tajikistan appointed

PanARMENIAN.Net - Tajikistan Finance Minister Safarali Najmiddinov was appointed as state representative in the Eurasian Development Bank Council . Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade Mr. Abdugafor Rahmonov was appointed as his deputy. In accordance with the EDB Charter after official notification to the Bank, they became members of the Council, Irina Lagutova, assistant to the senior manager of "Useful Links" communications agency told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

In June this year, Tajikistan has completed all necessary procedures related to joining the EDB, and became the fourth full-fledged member of EDB.

The Eurasian Development Bank is an international financial institution established by Russia and Kazakhstan in January 2006 to promote market economies of the states parties, their sustainable economic growth and expansion of mutual trade and economic ties. Capital EDB is equal to 1,5 billion USD.
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