Protocols to be ratified by Turkey either in February-March, or in a few years

PanARMENIAN.Net - All decisions in respect to South Caucasus are made by superpowers, not the region, the Armenian turkologist Artak Shakaryan  told a press conference in Yerevan today. In particular, according to him, decisions over normalization of Armenia-Turkey relations are made with permission of superpowers. "The President of Armenia invited the Turkish president to football match in Moscow, while the Armenian-Turkish protocols were signed in Switzerland. There is "foreign trace" everywhere," the Armenian turkologist said. 

Open Armenian-Turkish border will have a positive impact on Armenia only if there certain changes in tax, customs and immigration legislation are made. Otherwise the country is not ready for the opening of the border. "We need to establish direct contact with the Turkish society. Turks should get information about us not through Azerbaijani mass media," Armenian turkologist suggested. 

"Ankara is not so easy to make concessions and will try to delay the ratification process to avoid another April 24," Artak Shakaryan said. According to him, protocols will be ratified by Turkey either in February-March, or in a few years. In 2011 parliamentary elections are scheduled in Turkey. "The ratification of the protocols before elections would be political suicide for the current authorities," Artak Shakaryan said.
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