Armenian International Center for Humanitarian Development– one of most competent analytical center in post-Soviet area

The Institute for Public Policy, the International Center for Political Studies, Razumkov Center (Ukraine) and the Armenian International Center for Humanitarian Development have been recognized as the most competent analytical centers on post-Soviet area.

Russian research institutes and “brain centers” were included in the rating list of the world’s best analytical centers published by UN headquarters.

The Washington-based Brookings Institution was recognized as the world’s most authoritative analytical center. It is specialized in social studies, policy and economy. The institute is headed by Strobe Talbott, expert for Russia and post-Soviet countries.

Another important analytical center in the rating list was Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Council on Foreign Relations. The Soros Foundation-run Open Society Institute ranked as the 18th organization.

Apart from American organizations, the top 10 list also includes the Chatham House British Institution, Transparency International (Germany), the International Crisis Group (Belgium), the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sweden), Amnesty International (Britain), the , International Institute for Strategic Studies and Adam Smith Institute, the Institute of International Relations (France), the Centre for European Policy Studies and the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, RIA Novosti reported.

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