Tigran Sargsyan: Armenian-Korean relations have great potential for development

Tigran Sargsyan: Armenian-Korean relations have great potential for development

Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received the Ambassador of Korea to Armenia Lee Kyu-Hyung , press office of the Government of Armenia reported.

The head of the Armenian government expressed his satisfaction with the current level of Armenian-Korean relations, stressing that Armenia attaches great importance to expansion of bilateral relations. Tigran Sargsyan attached importance to further development and strengthening the relations in trade, economic, scientific-technological, education, culture, agriculture and other spheres.

The RA Prime Minister stressed that it is necessary to establish a legal framework and direct contacts between entrepreneurs, joint ventures and encourage Korean investments in Armenia’s major infrastructure and economic projects, such as participation of Korean companies in the construction of the Yerevan TPP. Given the rich experience of Korea in the design and construction of railways, the Iran-Armenia railway may also become interesting to Korean companies. The officials emphasized the importance of joint cultural programs.

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