Digitization of index cards in Armenian National Library finishes

Digitization of the index cards of the Armenian language literature in the RA National Library will be finished this year, said Luiza Berberyan, leading specialist of the department on protection of cultural heritage and values in the RA Ministry of Culture.

“2 538 465 book titles have been included in the database since 2002. Along with that, the digitization of index cards of the Russian-language literature collection is in process,” she told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

Last year, there was an attempt to operate the search engine on Internet through the index cards. However, it was found out that a license costing AMD 6 650 000 is needed for each library connected to the system. For that reason, the search engine is temporary inactive.

“It was planned to accomplish the program on the introduction of the library network by 2012. However, due to the economic crisis, no funds were allocated this year for the purchase of additional technical equipment. We have no lack of personnel, but insufficient number of computers makes the digitization process longer. An additional server is needed to archive the huge volume of information,” Luiza Berberyan said.

12 libraries, including RA National Library, RA NAS Fundamental Library, YSU library, RA Scientific and Technical Library and others are included in the program. According to Luiza Berberyan, all Armenian libraries will be involved in the overall information network in a while.

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