USD 40 million required to provide housing for refugees from Azerbaijan

"After the violence between February 27 and 29,1988 planned by Azerbaijani government, which later called pogroms, out of 500 thousand of Armenians relocated from Azerbaijan 360 thousand people settled in Armenia as refugees," Gagik Yeganyan , Head of Migration Service at Armenia’s Ministry of Territorial Administration told a news conference on 26 February in Yerevan.

According to him, the top priority for refugees today is the issue of housing, and the state is actively engaged in the solution of that problem. In 2004 the Armenian government pledged to provide with housing 3470 families. In 2005, 1000 families received certificates to purchase houses in different regions of Armenia, 700 out of them used their certificates, and 300 were not able for different reasons," Gagik Yeganyan said.

"This program will require USD 40 million. We have decided to organize International Forum jointly with UN High Commissioner for Refugees between October-November and invite donor organizations, he said.

The Sumgait Pogrom

The Sumgait Pogrom was the Azeri-led pogrom that targeted the Armenian population living in the Azerbaijani seaside town of Sumgait in February 1988. On February 27, 1988, large mobs made up of Azeris formed into groups that went on to attack and kill Armenians in both on the streets and in their apartments; widespread looting and a general lack of concern from police officers allowed the situation to worsen. The violent acts in Sumgait were unprecedented in scope in the Soviet Union and attracted a great deal of attention from the media in the West. The massacre came in light of the Nagorno-Karabakh movement that was gaining traction in the neighbouring Armenia SSR.

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