Risks for Javahk local government elections falsification are high

Risks for Javahk local government elections falsification are high

PanARMENIAN.Net - Javahk local government elections are due on May 30. In case of fair elections, Zurab Nogaideli’s opposition block, which includes Armenian public figures, will win, according to RPA parliamentary group member Shirak Torosyan.

As he told a joint news conference with Yerkir Union chairman Sevak Artsruni, “Nogaideli’s opposition block members, raising their voice in protection of Georgian Armenians rights, enjoy support of Javahk Armenian population.” Still, Shirak Torosyan believes elections might be falsified, given Javahk ruling party’s bold forecasts of gaining 80% of total votes.

Sevak Artsruni expressed confidence that European observers present at the elections, will not allow for falsification, which in itself will damage Georgia’s international image.

Dwelling on violation of Georgia’s ethnic minorities’ rights, he noted, “Rights of Azeris residing in Javahk are also violated. The difference is Baku’s harsh response to the fact, precipitating settlement of the issue. Yerevan, however, takes a very moderate stance, prompted by latter’s geopolitical interests. Still, if unresolved, the situation can cause undesirable repercussions both in Javahk and Armenia.”

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