Edward Nalbandian: Armenia and NKR are not going to discuss anything with Turkey

Edward Nalbandian: Armenia and NKR are not going to discuss anything with Turkey

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian said that changes in the Azerbaijani military doctrine contradict the country’s constitution, which reads that it is necessary to refrain from any hostilities.

If military bases are stationed in Azerbaijan, Armenia will express its stance, Nalbandian said during a governmental hour in the Armenian National Assembly. “However, bases are an internal matter of Azerbaijan, and we do not interfere in its affairs. But Armenia raises the issue of bellicose statements of Baku during all international meetings,” the Foreign Minister said.

He also reminded that two years ago Armenia has adopted the Madrid Principles as a basis for the negotiation process on the Karabakh conflict settlement. “Meanwhile, Azerbaijan states that Armenia does not accept these principles. The problem of the NKR status, which should be solved through the NKR people’s declaration of will, underlies the Madrid Principles. And if Azerbaijan states that it is ready to provide Karabakh “with high autonomy within the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan”, it wants to predetermine the negotiation process. Besides, Azerbaijan rejects any initiative on strengthening peace, refraining for a long from snipers’ withdrawal from firing line,” said Nalbandian, adding that Azerbaijan is trying to doom to failure the negotiations through its warlike statements.

Nalbandian also noted that Azerbaijan and Turkey may discuss the Karabakh conflict ad lib. “Armenia and NKR are not going to discuss anything with Turkey,” he said.

In Nalbandian’s opinion, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s visit to Istanbul does not raise concerns with respect to the Armenian-Russian relations.

As for the recent incident near Gaza, the Armenian Foreign Minister noted that Armenia expresses its condolences to relatives of the killed people, as Armenia is against application of force and blockade. “From the other side, some countries speak against application of force and blockade, but continue blocking and creating threats for neighbors for many years,” said Nalbandian.

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