19.7% growth recorded in sale proceeds of Armenia's largest taxpayers in May 2010

19.7% growth recorded in sale proceeds of Armenia's largest taxpayers in May 2010

PanARMENIAN.Net - According to the Analysis of Summarized Indices of Large Taxpayers' Monitoring in May 2010 by the Committee of State Revenues, the sale proceeds of Armenia's largest taxpayers totaled AMD 157.6bln in May 2010 that is 19.7% higher as compared with the same period 2009.

Meanwhile, the growth in this index was recorded at 190 organizations, with the best results at Zangezour copper and molybdenum combine, Alex Grig, ArmRosgazprom, Agarak copper and molybdenum combine, Pure Iron Plant, Flesh, EMG Construction, Armenian Cօpper Program, Elite Group and Armbusinessbank, which secured AMD 17.7bln increase in sale proceeds in May 2010 as compared with the same period in 2009.

At the same time, a decrease in proceeds of 144 taxpayers was recorded, including AMD 4.5bln drop in sale proceeds of Vidis Distribution, Grand Commerce and Ardshinvestbank in May 2010 as compared with the same period in 2009.

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