AMD 4.9bln growth recorded in export volumes of Armenia's largest taxpayers in May 2010

AMD 4.9bln growth recorded in export volumes of Armenia's largest taxpayers in May 2010

PanARMENIAN.Net - According to the Analysis of Summarized Indices of Large Taxpayers’ Monitoring in May 2010 by the Committee of State Revenues, the export volumes of Armenia's largest taxpayers totaled AMD 20.2bln in May 2010 that is 4.9bln higher as compared with the same period of last year.

Meanwhile, the export volume of five companies (Zangezur copper and molybdenum combine, Rusal Armenal, Pure Iron Plant, Armenian Copper Program, Armenian Molybdenum Production) totaled AMD 13.4bln in May 2010 that is AMD 7.2bln higher as compared with the same period of last year.

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