Around 11,500 applicants entered higher education institutions of Armenia in 2010

Around 11,500 applicants entered higher education institutions of Armenia in 2010

PanARMENIAN.Net - On August 4, the RA Ministry of Education and Science hosted a sitting of the State Admission Commission to discuss appropriation of target seats to the Republic of Artsakh and establishment of the nominal lists of paid and free seats of state higher education institutions of Armenia.

RA Minister of Education and Science, Chairman of the State Admission Commission Armen Ashotyan said that, as per decision of the RA government, 70 seats were appropriated to the Republic of Artsakh in 2010 that is 10 seats higher as compared with last year.

16 applicants from the Republic of Artsakh have entered higher education institutions through taking exams in institutions, while 44 applicants – through taking joint entrance exams.

Ten additional seats were appropriated to the RA Police Academy.

The Admission Commission approved the nominal list of paid and free seats of state higher education institutions of Armenia and transferred them to these institutions for publications.

Around 11,500 applicants entered higher education institutions of Armenia in 2010, the press service of the RA Ministry of Education and Science reported.

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