RA Ministry of Finance sets August 16-22 prices for precious metals

RA Ministry of Finance sets August 16-22 prices for precious metals

PanARMENIAN.Net - The State Depository of Precious Metals and Gemstones Agency at the RA Ministry of Finance set the government purchase and release prices per gram of chemically pure metal (standard bullion) for August 9-16, 2010, the press office of the RA Ministry of Finance reported.

According to information provided, the set prices are as follows: gold: purchase price - AMD 13083.75 (+176.92), release price - AMD 14221.17 (+192.31); silver: purchase price - AMD 197.00 (-1.67), release price - AMD 214.13 (-1.82); platinum: purchase price - AMD 16699.35 (-430.07), release price - AMD 18151.47 (-467.46); palladium: purchase price - AMD 5169.98 (-241.26), release price - AMD 5619.94 (-262.24).

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