Low juvenile crime rate in Armenia maintained thanks to conservative upbringing

PanARMENIAN.Net - The low juvenile crime rate in Armenia is conditioned by a number of reasons.

“First, it’s maintained thanks to conservative upbringing,” head of psychology department at Yerevan State University Hrant Avanesyan said during Yerevan-Moscow “Violence among youth. How to prevent crime?” TV space bridge.

He also cited implementation of a number of youth programs.

According to the head of the center of legal and psychological assistance in emergency situations, Mikhail Vinogradov, Armenia controls juvenile crime through preservation of national identity and mentality.

WHO's European report on preventing violence and knife crime among young people says that 15,000 young people were killed in Europe every year, with 40% of these deaths involving knives, but much of the violence could be prevented by using a public health approach.

Russia has the highest rate of violence among youth in Europe. Sixteen out of every 100,000 people aged ten to 29 were murdered in Russia each year between 2004 and 2007.

Germany and Armenia are among the safest countries.

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