Burgas to host discussion of investment projects in Black Sea region

PanARMENIAN.Net - Burgas, Bulgaria, will host a discussion on Investing in the Black Sea Region held as part of Integration and Sustainable Development in the Black Sea region congress.

Investment projects in the region, improving collaboration between business and government, legal regulation and investment in innovations will be in the focus of the discussion.

The First International Congress Integration and Sustainable Development in the Black Sea Region, as well as the Contest for the International Award Integration and Sustainable Development will be held in the beginning of December 2010.

PanARMENIAN.Net acts as a media partner of the congress and contest.

The First International Congress Integration and Sustainable Development in the Black Sea Region and the Contest for the International Award Integration and Sustainable Development are organized by the Black Sea Organization for Integration and Sustainable Development. The Congress will provide an international platform for dialogue, debates, development of solutions in various aspects of international cooperation in the Black Sea region in the name of economic development, social stability and growth.

After the congress, the BSOISD will hold a Contest for the International Award Integration and Sustainable Development. The award will be granted to individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to the development of integration processes in the Black Sea region and introduction of the sustainable development principles in various activities.

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