RA antimonopoly body to deal with increase in prices for cheese

PanARMENIAN.Net - On October 22, the State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition (SCPEC) invited cheese producers, reacting to publications in media concerning sharp increase in prices for cheese.

Cheese makers said that the increase in prices for cheese is reasoned by growth in prices for purchased milk, but not by matters of competition.

Nevertheless, as the matter has become a heatedly debated topic, the SCPEC decided to implement a monitoring to reveal reasons behind the phenomenon. At the same time, the SCPEC urges all media outlets, experts and NGOs, which comment on this matter and competition problems, to assist the SCPEC studies through providing certain facts and circumstances. The SCPEC said that the study results will be submitted to the society.

There are not large enterprises at this market. According to the RA State Revenues Committee, 78 registered enterprises deal with cheese production, in addition to numerous farmers.

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