Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia to participate in 48th session of CIS Economic Council

PanARMENIAN.Net - Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia, Territorial Administration Minister Armen Gevorgyan left for St. Petersburg to participate in the 48th session of the CIS Economic Council due November 18 in St. Petersburg.

Establishment of a sectoral cooperation structure in the sphere of consumers' rights protection, a draft Agreement on establishment of information infrastructure of innovation activity of the CIS states, as well as the issues concerning legaland intellectual property protection are on council agenda.

Besides, the sides are expected to discuss draft Framework Program on cooperation of the CIS member states in the sphere of peaceful use of nuclear energy until 2020, prospects of the activity of the Coordinating Board of Taxation Services of the CIS member states, trade policy and the Convention on CIS countries' near-border cooperation, Territorial Administration Ministry press service reported.

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