Sergey Shakaryants: any anti-Armenian decision on gas pipeline will immediately affect Georgia

Sergey Shakaryants: any anti-Armenian decision on gas pipeline will immediately affect Georgia

PanARMENIAN.Net - Political analyst Sergey Shakaryants said that if ArmRosgazprom CJSC fails to participate or win in the tender for purchase of the Georgian section of Armenia-bound gas pipeline due to some reasons, our authorities are able to promote victory of an Iranian company or this country’s Ministry of Energy in the tender for purchase of Armenia-bound gas pipeline.

“I assure you that Iran’s relevant structures are much more influential than those of Azerbaijan,” he said.

Shakaryants did not exclude the possibility of an Azerbaijani company victory in the tender, adding that this possibility depends on political decision of Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili.

“It is hardly possible, as recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia by Armenia is not within Saakashvili’s interests. Any anti-Armenian decision by Georgia will immediately affect the country’s destiny,” Shakaryants said.

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