Films about events in Khojalu and Koltso military operation are created in Armenia

Films about events in Khojalu and Koltso military operation are created in Armenia

PanARMENIAN.Net - Head of Ordinary Genocide project Marina Grigoryan said that a range of films on the Karabakh war – events in Khojalu and Koltso military operation - will be created as part of the project.

Expert on information safety Samvel Martirosyan said that, according to evidences of the Azerbaijani side, Meskhetian Turks were killed during the Karabakh war. “They were registered in Shushi, but settled in Khojalu, thus, increasing the number of the Muslim population of Shushi in documents. From the other side, Meskhetian Turks served as a human shield for Azerbaijanis in this war,” said Martirosyan.

He added that there was an order not to withdraw population from the village through the humanitarian corridor. “Ordinary Genocide” cycle unites three films about the Armenian pogroms in Baku, Sumgait and Maragha village.

“Currently Azerbaijan presents the events in Baku as a compulsory measure. We see that a new generation of people capable of perpetrating new pogroms is being brought up in the neighboring country. I am surprised over the fact that the Armenian parliament has not recognized the Armenian pogroms in Azerbaijan as genocide, though these events qualify as such under the UN convention,” Grigoryan told a press conference.

According to her, video materials, which were in an extremely poor condition, were revealed during the works on creation of the series of documentaries, and they have been digitized. Besides, photos of massacres victims have been found, increasing the list of victims, who, according to incomplete information, make around 300 people.

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